samedi 2 juin 2012

Scene 9 - The Missing Half

While reading this, please play ‘The Missing Half’ in the music player.

Friday June 1st, 5:10 pm. For the hundredth time, David was going over the news on the internet. Eight casualties and many wounded amongst the passengers.  A military blunder condemned by the international community. On the day of the tragedy, the boat was finally escorted to the harbor and the injured were transported to the city’s hospital. David had seen the details on the media and was worried sick about Noura’s fate.  Finally he received news through Noura’s friend, Amina, who was keeping in contact with Rami. Noura was alive, but she had been unconscious since the attack. Furthermore, the center where she was being treated was badly in need of medicine and medical supplies because of the embargo. David was devastated. On top of this, for the last week, he had had a strange and splitting headache, as if he had received a blow. Looking out the window of his apartment, he recalled that night at the rave, their first time together and those few months of pure enchantment. That’s when he took his decision.
Go to Scene 10

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